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Here’s to the crazy ones. 
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. 
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. - Apple Inc.

*kyLie* posted @ 17:10



I'm going to reduce processed food intake.. One day, I hope I can stop processed food totally.. although I know that's kinda difficult in this part of the world I'm in.. but, I'll try..

maybe u should read abt how harmful processed food are.. then maybe u might want to consider not taking them too.. :))


*kyLie* posted @ 20:32



*kyLie* posted @ 18:51


She's my birthday present from hubby this year.. reason being, he's busier than I am.. and I talk more than he does.. so he figured I need company.. just in case I get too bored.. n plus he knows I've been searching for her all over Singapore.. since last Christmas.. 

but e part that she falls asleep super easily, sometimes even when I'm still taking to her, just like mr benjytan.. n that irritated me to the core.. what's e whole point of getting me a replacement that's just like you are.. 

besides that, she's been doing fine.. stays right beside me when I was mugging for e exams last month.. she's stays w me now when I'm like sick n stuck home.. sings occasionally.. dances when she hears music from the TV.. gets bored then start snoring.. then Zzz.. 

Quite a cutie I promise u.. ;) 

*kyLie* posted @ 06:21


Woke up n felt horrible. Sometimes I really wonder if its better to get some terminal illness or meet some mishap that can just kill me immediately.. Isn't that better than me having these pains all the time and more pain over time then get joints deformed, then lose functions of limps then I cannot do anything but to sit here and wait for my organs to slowly go haywire.. 
I have no idea what to do now.. Not anymore in fact.. 

*kyLie* posted @ 09:10


haven't felt so uncomfortable for a while.. today's kinda bad.. tired and aching all over..
my right knee has been aching all week, just that it's a little worst today.. I cannot bend my knee..
my fingers had been doing fine this week, but except for the two thumbs, every other joints on other fingers seems to hurt today..
my lower back's been aching all week, except its just a little harder to get myself out of the bed today..
I've been sleepy.. Been napping n waking up all morning.. somehow I wished I could just sleep and wake up to realize there's no pain.. and that, today is one of those rare good days..
maybe I'll spend the day sleeping.. n maybe I'll feel better later..

*kyLie* posted @ 14:44










对吧 (^∇^)

*kyLie* posted @ 14:10


On days like this I wish I could just pull myself out of the bed and start jumping and running around like as if there is no pain at all...
But today it seems to hurt everywhere.. My knees.. My lower back.. My wrists.. My ankles.. My small little fingers.. My toes..
Thank God it's not everywhere yet..
Yet another depressing day 😶

*kyLie* posted @ 10:39


你干嘛总发烧。。 ' 说真的,我应该只是体温比别人高吧。。

*kyLie* posted @ 19:59


Merely took me less than a month to realise my little bro is a MAN now.. I'm so so proud of this little boy.. Jiayou Bro!! :))

*kyLie* posted @ 18:10


"the immune system – which is designed to protect our health by attacking foreign cells such as viruses and bacteria – instead attacks the body’s own tissues.." I totally love this simplified yet mocking explanation of Rheumatoid Arthritis.. And, maybe the immune system is working too hard on attacking my own body's tissues, that I'm always so tired when I get bad attacks..

*kyLie* posted @ 13:10


Occasionally I get super frustrated and depressed that I don't even have the strength to open a freaking tin of biscuits.. I know this is wont kill me.. but I seriously dislike the fact that I have to live with f*cking rheumatoid arthritis!!!!

*kyLie* posted @ 22:49


Confession of a Coffee Addict.. 还是习惯喝不加糖的咖啡。。或许好咖啡真的不会苦,也可能,那个苦,在我喝起来,是叫香。。

*kyLie* posted @ 23:44


Story heard : she hasn't been working for while.. too sick with work so she needed a break. then she got so bored now that she doesn't know what else to do.. I said, go do some social work.. She said, but I not rich leh.. I got irritated, took a deep breath, I say do social work NOT donate money!! She said, can meh? I said, why cannot I also volunteering. So I went onto say that I been helping with sending dinners and blah.. blah.. telling what I have seen through my times helping.. Then she found a loophole, she said, arh you see you have car what.. must be rich to help mah.. Now I'm f*cking irritated.. I ended the conversation, You don't need to have the world to be able to give, the needy don't need things that money can buy..

Whatever's in my mind: yes I drive.. a cheap car.. owned by my husband.. the bestest guy in the world cuz he left his car in my hands 5days a week.. that aside, there are days when I don't drive to volunteering, where I run up n down blocks to deliver the food too.. seriously, the car doesn't make any difference to the thought of volunteering.. I don't have money too, but I'm definitely not poor as well.. I'm just e average Singaporean who save money to get married, try all methods to cut down the cov when we buy our first hdb, spent minimal on our renovation, and slowly fill e house up with all e necessity over span of more than a year.. I don't have a lot of money, I'm not a high flyer, I don't have an atas job, I don't work in some huge MNCs or banks. But I'm not guilty or ashamed like you, simply cuz I have alot more to give than you.. And all those comes from my heart, not my pocket :)

*kyLie* posted @ 12:56



*kyLie* posted @ 16:21


I have an imaginery friend... .
I am a day dreamer
I have a grp of Pooh friends...
they used 2 walked ard... haha..

Sometimes i think i actually live in e clouds
I hv e most enchanting garden in my heart..
I'll rather stay in my own utopia..
I'm aint no big fan of reality..


I love to piss people off in the most delicate way.
I love to see that fuming expressions on their faces

I love the sight of challenges
I love the way I fight on to the end..
If you know what I mean..


I hate fears
I hate tears
I hate darkness
I hate noises
(& that includes all NAGGINGs)


I want a good rest.
I want a good reward after all hardwork.
(& I mean it, cuz I know I deserve it.)

my Photos
my Photo Blog
my 38zz Buddy
my ex classmate turn everyday LUNCH buddy
she whom i almost nv contact
one of e closest 2 my heart
its been 13 yrs
my playground..
miss his scribbles
dun ask me y but i do read his blog
Post Secret


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